Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Angst, Exhillaration, Relief

The semester has ended. Saturday was the last class for LIS415. I spent several hours on Sunday and most of Monday grading papers and calculating final grades. Those grades are now in the hands (or email boxes) of Simmons officials.

I remember back to January and how I felt just before the first class. I was terrified.

During the semester I had periodic attacks of panic interspersed with excitement and delight when something went well. I am so impressed with the students in my class. They are all so bright and know more than I do in some areas. Classes included a lot of exchange of information when one or more of them could fill in a gap based on their experiences. Half the class was in the Archives program - an area I know about only from a distance. Many of them had coding experience - mine is minimal. But I know cataloging rules, MARC format, name authority files, subject headings, how to deal with foreign languages and non-book material and what it was like in the card catalog days. And I had a lot of support from faculty on the GSLIS Boston campus and the administration on the GSLIS Mt. Holyoke campus. Thanks, everyone for helping me through my first semester.

I'm already thinking of things I want to include in the fall. I expect I'll be teaching again although that's not yet official.

Today I'm off to work at DGI gathering more anecdotes to relate to future classes.

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