Saturday, October 2, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

Only temporarily, but it feels good.

Yesterday, I sat in on the Vermont Catalogers' Roundtable and then went to lunch with several of the group. Next week will be very busy as I have 2 workshops to teach (one in Connecticut and one in West Stockbridge, Mass.) and I will be be playing substitute cataloger at Sprinfield City Library for part of a day.

I spent a lot of last week preparing for next weeks' workshops. The handouts always need reviewing and revising and I often think of a slightly different way to present the material which sometimes means a prop. If so, that means I have to obtain an appropriate prop. I decided to use a very specific book when I teach "Behind the Bibliographic Record" on Tuesday. It's an older book and I found a used copy via for 1 cent. Of course the postage is $3.99. Since I wasn't willing to pay more for expedited shipping, I'm not sure it will be delivered in time for the workshop on Tuesday. I hunted down a copy in a local library and picked it up in person. The handouts are all photocopied and I'm all set for that workshop.

I have another on Friday on MARC records. The handouts need one more going over, I added a quiz at the end and I want to add another. I read in the New York Times recently that taking a quiz enhances learning of the material because in the process of taking the quiz, the person is thinking about the subject matter in a different way, strengthening its place in the brain. The quizzes are not difficult (although if you're new to MARC they probably are), we'll review the correct answers in class, and they won't be getting a grade - all in an attempt to make the learning process as unintimidating as possible.

Now I just need to think up an amusing anecdote or two.

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