Friday, December 2, 2011

Anxiety, Anger and Discipline

The last couple of mornings I awoke after some unsettling dreams.

Two nights ago, my dream had to do with being in the hospital for some sort of procedure that involved a large needle. To say that I was not looking forward to this is a vast understatement. Fortunately, I awoke before anything happened, but I was still left with the anxiety that accompanied the situation. I attributed the dream to the fact I had an appointment that morning at the local hospital for a routine mammogram, hardly something that would cause such anxiety.

The dream early this morning involved a former boss giving me some annoying and unwanted advice. I felt a lot of anger and responded in a very unladylike way. I then felt I had over reacted and considered apologizing to her, not for my anger but for my response. However, a colleague congratulated me saying she was proud of my outburst.

I don't take dreams too literally, but look at them as signs that something in my life needs some attention. If so, what is causing these feelings of anxiety and anger? Perhaps it's time to do some serious mediatation and explore deep inside my psyche. Am I ready to confront that?

And you may be wondering about the word Discipline in the title.

By posting to this blog daily, I'm trying to build some discipline in my life, a life which has been somewhat aimless the last few months. I'm hoping daily posting will stimulate some other activities that I'd like to pursue.

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